Elevate Your Rental Portfolio Returns

Property Developer

Optimize Your Holiday Rental Revenues & Operations

Operating a portfolio of short-term vacation rentals is challenging. Being profitable in competitive markets requires a professional, data driven approach, for every management aspect. To unlock the full revenue potential of your assets, in a market that demands excellence at every turn, you need to partner with proven experience.

Vacation Rental Management Challenges

Managing multiple holiday rentals brings forth a unique set of challenges:
Ensuring your properties are well-represented across all relevant channels to secure consistent bookings is a task easier said than done, and once you’re coping with more than a couple of properties, it becomes a full-time task.
Pricing And Sales
Striking a balance between competitive pricing and maximized returns is a delicate art that requires not only a keen understanding of market dynamics, but also access to daily figures to benchmark against.
Customer Service

Exceptional customer service from inquiry to departure is crucial in building a loyal customer base and ensuring repeat business for your brand(s).

Reviews and Online Reputation

In a review-driven market, maintaining a stellar online reputation is imperative for driving bookings and achieving revenue goals. It’s an effort that requires delicacy, insistence and experience.

Operational Efficiency

To ensure guests are satisfied with your brand, you need to maintain an impeccable maintenance, cleaning and operational excellence record – You need experienced tourism staff management.

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Transform Challenges into Opportunities with Destada

Partnering with Destada provides a comprehensive solution to all these challenges and more. Our seasoned team, with rich backgrounds in global travel platforms, have built a proprietary, data-driven approach to optimize every facet of vacation rental management.

Enjoy Tangible Benefits

With Destada, you’re not just overcoming challenges; you’re setting new guest satisfaction, operational efficiency and revenue growth benchmarks for your portfolio.

Boost Online Visibility & Optimize Returns

Our expert sales, marketing and revenue strategies are tailored to give you unique advantages that not only enhance your portfolio’s visibility, but also provide a framework for maximizing revenue sustainably.

Drive Guest Satisfaction

Our holistic approach towards customer service and operational management ensures an elevated guest experience, leading to positive reviews, repeat bookings and enhanced profitability, across your portfolio properties.

Services Tailored for Success

We offer a broad spectrum of services to turn the potential hurdles in managing holiday rentals into stepping stones for success:
Global Distribution Channels
Our channel experts significantly widen your rental’s reach, partnering with niche global platforms for an extended audience base.
Rate & Occupancy Optimization
Benefit from pricing that’s always competitive yet profitable. We run a daily analysis of your local tourism and rental trends, so you always have the best pricing on offer.
Content Management
Driving more bookings with the meticulously crafted listings our team will create for you. We’ll identify and highlight the unique selling propositions of each and every property in your portfolio, to ensure it’s communicated clearly to your audience(s).
Custom Website Creation
Bespoke websites, tailored for your portfolio’s most exceptional properties, further boost bookings. Our team harnesses hospitality insights to craft high-performing websites that resonate with premium property guests.
Social Media Marketing
Crafting a compelling narrative for your brand engages guests via social media and expands your portfolio’s visibility . Our experts curate consistent, engaging content, ensuring robust visibility and interactions, to drive more bookings.
Influencer Marketing
Associating your brand with relevant and authentic influencer endorsements is proven to amplify interest and bookings. Our seasoned team identifies strategic influencer alliances that deliver measurable engagement and reservations for you and your clients.
Offline Marketing and PR
Targeted offline tourism marketing and PR initiatives bolster your brand’s reputation and drive bookings. Our team adeptly manages outreach to align with your brand ethos and carve a solid reputation.
Professional Photography
Creating and curating a collection of quality imagery is critical for crafting your property portfolio’s story, and through it, the unique appeal and value proposition of your brand. Our photography experts capture your property’s essence and features, presenting your portfolio in the most flattering light.
Streamlined Guest Communications

Swift, friendly and professional guest communications foster satisfaction, good reviews, bookings and repeat visits. Our service ensures every concern from inquiry to review is adeptly addressed.

Efficient Booking Management
Our reservation solutions optimize your occupancy rates by meticulously managing schedules and availability, minimizing overbooking and missed opportunities.
Proactive Reputation Management
Our review experts enhance your online visibility and credibility by constructively responding to feedback across platforms, garnering positive reviews.
Welcoming Arrival Experience
Our meet-and-greet experts ensure a positive first impression, setting the tone for a memorable stay, encouraging positive reviews, and driving bookings and repeat visits.
Meticulous Cleaning Services

Our cleaning services routinely exceed guests’ cleanliness expectations and help ensure your properties appeal, ratings and securing more bookings.

Proactive Maintenance Management
Timely resolution of maintenance issues minimizes disruptions, ensuring the properties in your portfolio remain in peak condition, which in turn, leads to better reviews, more bookings, and reduced costs from potential major repairs, thus boosting profitability.


Let your portfolio thrive by partnering with us to deliver exceptional guest experiences and maximize revenues.

The fastest route to optimizing returns from your vacation rental portfolio is partnering with expertise, experience and proven strategies. At Destada we’re wholly committed to the success of your rental properties. To date, we’ve been able to significantly improve above existing performance benchmarks for every single one of our enterprise clients, by delivering better visibility, more bookings and boosted profitability.

“Destada have done an excellent job in managing our apartments at the Park Surin. Destada's managers are always available and demonstrate a high level of professionalism. We are very pleased with our working relationship.”

Vitalina Butkaliuk
The Park Surin

We’ve Got A Pricing Plan That’s Perfect For You

Content Management
Revenue Strategy
Dynamic Pricing
Enhanced Channel Distribution
Guest Communications
Reservation Management
Reputation Management
Finance Management
Unlimited Owner Nights
Owner Inteface

Meet & Greet

Facilitiate Housekeeping
Facilitate Property Maintenance
Market Data

Guest Screening

Dedicated Housekeeping

Dedicated Property Maintenance

Maximise Rental Income













Let's Talk


Frequent Questions & Answers

Our expert marketing and revenue strategies give your properties unique advantages to increase visibility, bookings and returns above your current benchmarks. We list your properties on a global network of niche tourism websites to vastly increase your portfolio’s visibility and analyze pricing data daily to ensure your revenues are always optimized.

Leveraging experience gained at leading travel sites, we take a data-driven, systematic approach to optimize every aspect of rental management for property developers.
We work with all portfolio sizes and property types – urban, resort, luxury, budget etc. Our solutions scale to your specific operational and revenue needs.
We analyze daily tourism and rental data to recommend competitive yet profitable pricing personalized for each property in your portfolio.
We partner with niche global rental sites to significantly expand your properties’ visibility and exposure to wider audiences.
We actively monitor and manage your portfolio’s reviews across the internet. We leverage responses to feedback to generate more positive ratings.
We guarantee we’ll beat current benchmarks for visibility, bookings, revenues, guest satisfaction and operational excellence, across your portfolio.